A Blast with Trumpets
The trumpet, throughout history, has been a very popular instrument. Although it’s changed forms multiple times—from animal antlers to heraldic horns to the modern three-valve contraption—every stage of civilization has found an important role for it. That is, until now. Where Have All the Trumpets Gone? We don’t really seem…...
Elul in the Conversation
How you do you know when a holiday is coming? For the Fourth of July, it’s when you see Fireworks stores popping up in the beginning of May. For Halloween, it’s when the grocery store converts three aisles to candy sales on the Fifth of July. For Thanksgiving, it’s when…...
A Tale of Two Holy Days
In our first article about Shavuot, we explored the dynamic between body and spirit. Materialists claim that spirit doesn’t exist at all. Dualists believe that both exist, but that the spirit world is wholly separate from and superior to the physical world. God, however, shows us a third way, by embedding…...
Of Body and Spirit
Are you a spiritual person? If you’re not sure, ask yourself if you’ve ever said or thought things like this: “Sabbath rest is good, but it doesn’t have to be on a particular day.” “Worship is good, but it doesn’t have to be in a church, or with a congregation.”…...
We’re Going to Israel!
This is it! Today Fran and I are headed to Israel! It’s her first time, and my first time in 25 years. I didn’t think it would be this long but it just never worked out to go. But now is the time. We’ve been preparing for months – new…...
The Lamb of Revelation
This is Part 3 of the 3-Part Passover Lamb series. Make sure you’ve read Part 1: The Lamb of Exodus and Part 2: The Lamb of God. The final episode of our Lamb series brings us to that puzzling letter to the early Church we call Revelation. I’m going to…...
12 Surprising Reasons to Celebrate Passover
Note: This is an intermission to the 3-part Passover Lamb series. Part 3: The Lamb of Revelation, is coming in just a few days, but we felt it’s important to get this message across before Passover begins this Friday evening. The Biblical way to celebrate Passover is with a meal…...
The Lamb of God
This is Part 2 of the 3-Part Passover Lamb series. Make sure you’ve read Part 1: The Lamb of Exodus “Most went to John the Baptizer to repent and be baptized, yes. But many were there just to see what he would do next. Of course the big one was…...
The Lamb of Exodus
This is Part 1 of the 3-Part Passover Lamb series. Here’s Part 2: The Lamb of God John filled the cup a second time, and proceeded with the order. “Though we are free now, we were once slaves. Not our forefathers. Not our fathers. But us. To this very day…...
In Like a Lamb
March is a turbulent month. That’s why “March Madness” sounds about right, even for those who don’t know anything about college basketball. How did March get this reputation? I’m going to blame the weather. As the saying goes, March comes in like a lamb, and goes out like a lion…...